Small bite, BIG Threat

There has been a significant amount of rainfall recently and residents are reminded to remember the 3 D’s to the prevention of vector borne illnesses like Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya. The TCI has no reported cases of Zika let us keep It that way by eliminating all mosquito breeding sites.

Drain- Mosquito problems in your neighborhood or home are likely to come from water-filled containers that you can help to eliminate. All mosquitoes require water in which to breed. Be sure to drain any standing water around your house. • Dispose of any tires. Tires can breed thousands of mosquitoes. • Drill holes in the bottom of recycling containers. • Clear roof gutters of debris. • Clean pet water dishes regularly. • Check and empty children’s toys. • Repair leaky outdoor faucets. • Canoes and other boats should be turned over. • Avoid water collecting on pool covers. • Empty water collected in tarps around the yard or on woodpiles. • Even the smallest of containers that can collect water can breed hundreds to thousands of mosquitoes. They don’t need much water to lay their eggs. (Bottles, barrels, buckets, overturned garbage can lids, etc.)

Dress- Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing. Studies have shown that some of the 174 mosquito species in the United States are more attracted to dark clothing and most can readily bite through tight-fitting clothing of loose weave. When practical, wear long sleeves and pants.

Defend- Choose a mosquito repellent that has been reviewed, approved, and pose minimal risk for human safety when used according to label directions. Ensure that windows and doors have proper screening, use a mosquito net to cover beds when sleeping.

For more information contact the Health Promotion and Advocacy Unit on 3382772 Grand Turk or 3384942 Providenciales.