The TCIG has recently updated its entry requirements for travelers entering the TCI during the COVID-19 pandemic. The requirements for entry to the TCI have been revised to take effect from 1st May 2022, however the requirement for all visitors to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 remains.
Residents who have been fully vaccinated locally, who are travelling with unvaccinated minors are not subject to quarantine, however, testing within two days of arrival is recommended for minors at Ministry of Health testing sites or any approved health care facilities.
Partially Vaccinated/Unvaccinated Residents:
All unvaccinated and partially vaccinated residents above the age of 2 years returning to the Turks and Caicos Islands on arrival, they will be required to quarantine themselves and their household for a period of seven days and undergo a mandatory test (that must be negative) prior to being released. If the test is positive, the quarantine period will be extended in accordance with Guidance for persons who test positive guidelines.
Meaning of “fully vaccinated”
A person is considered to be “fully vaccinated”—
(a) two weeks [following receipt] of the second dose in a 2-dose COVID-19 vaccine series; or
(b) two weeks [following receipt] of one dose of a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine.
To be considered “fully vaccinated”, the person must have taken the COVID-19 vaccine in the Islands.
Given the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, if an applicable public health authority (WHO, CDC, MHRS) announces a different meaning of “Fully Vaccinated”, that definition will take precedence.
Partially Vaccinated: An individual is considered partially vaccinated if the individual has not yet received all the required doses of a Covid-19 vaccine (see definition for Fully Vaccinated above), OR if they received their final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine required to be considered Fully Vaccinated less than 14 calendar days ago.
Un-Vaccinated: An individual is considered unvaccinated if they have not received any dose of a MOH approved vaccine.
For those individuals who test positive at the end of travel quarantine, the advice is as follows;
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are required to self-isolate as outlined below. The time period is to be calculated from date of sample collection or onset of symptoms.
An isolation period of at least 5 days is recommended*. It is recommended that household contacts of these individuals monitor themselves closely for symptoms and use all available precautions (outlined above).
*Persons with persistent symptoms or underlying conditions are at an increased risk of transmitting the virus and may be recommended to extend their isolation period. This should be evaluated and determined by the treating physician on a case-by-case basis. These individuals are strongly encouraged to maintain wearing of a face mask; especially when around others and get vaccinated or boosted when eligible.
Further detailed guidance can be located on https://www.gov.tc/moh/coronavirus/guidance/1581-guidance-for-persons-who-test-positive-for-covid-19.
End of quarantine testing for COVID-19 can be undertaken with MOH testing sites or at any approved health care facility. Self-tests are not acceptable for these purposes.